Ocoya, Ill. History

            The settlement of Ocoya is situated on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, in Eppards Point Township, ninety-eight miles from Chicago and six miles southwest of Pontiac, the nearest banking point. When the railroad was completed in 1854, it gave the settlement a post office, near where the first school house was built, just below where the railroad crosses Rook's Creek, whose name the office received and was continued until the establishment of Ocoya years later.
        The village was laid out by Jonathan Duff and A. W. Cowan, then partners in the banking business in Pontiac. The land where the village was situated was entered by Peter A. Badeau, in June, 1854.After passing through several owners, it was purchased by Charles Roadnight, then General Freight Agent of the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad, who soon after erected a small warehouse and depot..  Part of the warehouse was used as a store, Alexander Martin generally attending to the business of Agent, Postmaster and storekeeper.  D. S. Shireman and E. M. Babbitt began about this time to buy grain and were owners of the stock of goods in the little store.  Discussion was held about feasibility of getting a town here, but nothing was done for over 10 years. After the close of the Civil War, the village of Ocoya again comes into notice. Roadnight, who had, as has previously been stated, purchased 40 acres and made a switch, built a small warehouse nd depot and leased them  Shireman and Babbitt who continued the grain business in varying results for years.
    The village was all this time in its primitive condition, and making no progress. Indeed, it could not yet properly be called a village, for no plat had been surveyed, nor had any move been made toward laying out a town.  In 1869, Duff & Cowan purchased the land, and surveyed and platted the ground, giving it the old name, "Ocoya." They failed in business shortly after, however, and no plat of the town was ever recorded.
    John A. Bogie, of Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky, an extensive owner of land adjoining the town, laid off "Bogie's first addition to Ocoya," April 30, 1870. The record of this plat is the only recorded instrument relating to the town of Ocoya.
    On the failure of Duff & Cowan, Reuben Macy purchased the 40 acres originally intended for a town site, and in 1871 built an elevator. He was associated with C. N. Coe, of Cayuga for a short time, but purchasing his interest, for several years managed a store, of which he became the owner.  He moved here in September 1867, and at once took an active part in the growth of the town.  It became too much for one person, so he involved his son-in-law, John McCalla, who came in 1870.  He at once took the store. He remained here until 1877, when he sold to E. M. Reily, who is also postmaster. Macy continued actively engged in mercantile pursuits until he traded his interest for 80 acres of land adjoining the village, which he farms.
    The school is still conducted in the district school house, a little south of town. The Baptists were the first to attempt a religious organization in this settlement. Judge Myer in his will gave them $600 to be used for erecting a suitable house of worship.  Two lots were donated by Duff & Cowan, on which the church was built. It was completed in 1872. This congregation is the only one in the township.


 It has a post office, Western Union telegraph and U.S. express facilities for communication with other places. The population is 50. The grain shipments are large.


Baptist Church

W.A. Hayes & Co., Fisk Brothers, Managers, Grain, Lumber, Farm Machinery and General Merchandise.

W. G. Hinshaw, Blacksmith